Grading systems in Denmark

The 7-point grading scale 

The grading system used in all State-regulated education as from August 2007 is the 7-point grading scale. The grading scale is compatible with the ECTS-grading scale. 

GradeDescriptionECTSOld  scale (00-13)
12For an excellent performance displaying a high level of command of all aspects of the relevant material, with no or only a few minor weaknesses.A1311
10For a very good performance displaying a high level of command of most aspects of the relevant material, with only minor weaknesses.B10
7For a good performance displaying good command of the relevant material but also some weaknesses.C98
4For a fair performance displaying some command of the relevant material but also some major weaknesses.D7
02For a performance meeting only the minimum requirements for acceptance.E6
00For a performance which does not meet the minimum requirements for acceptance.Fx503
-3For a performance which is unacceptable in all respects.F00

Apart from the 7-point grading scale, pass/fail assessment may also be used. 
02 is the minimum grade for passing an exam. 

The student’s performance must be assessed according to academic targets set for the specific subject or course (absolute grading method). The relative grading method must not be used.

For more information about the 7-point grading scale and conversion of grades from the grading scale of 00 to 13 (see below) see the executive orders on the grading scale:

In English:

In Danish:

See also:

The grading scale of 00 to 13

The 00-13 grading scale was used until July 2006 in all upper secondary education and will be used until July 2007 in higher education and vocational education and training. For conversion of grades to the 7-point grading scale see the Ministerial Order on the Grading Scale and Other Forms of Assessment (Ministry of Education).

13Given for the exceptionally independent and excellent performance (very rare)
11Given for the independent and excellent performance
10Given for excellent, but not particularly independent performance
9Given for the good performance a little above average
8Given for the average performance
7Given for the mediocre performance, slightly below average
6Given for the just acceptable performance
05Given for the hesitant and not satisfactory performance
03Given for the very hesitant, very insufficient and unsatisfactory performance
00Given for the completely unacceptable performance

The maximum mark of 13 is used very seldom and only for an extraordinary performance. The mark of 6 is the lowest pass mark for examinations where a pass mark is required. The marks awarded should reflect achievements in terms of standards set by the institution for the specific programme.

For each assessment according to the scale of 00 to 13, the performance or general proficiency is first placed within the following four groups of marks: 1) excellent (13, 11, 10); 2) average (9, 8, 7); 3) the just acceptable (6); 4) hesitant (5, 03, 00).

Apart from the scale of 00 to 13, bestået/ikke bestået (pass/fail) is used in some cases. In higher education, it is possible to use the assessment of pass/fail in tests forming part of the final examination and which cover up to one-third of the study programme.

In the Folkeskole final examinations, no specific mark is set for the level to pass. Grading takes place according to the above scale is used, except for the grade 6, which is given for “the somewhat hesitant, but more or less satisfactory performance”.

In upper secondary examinations, students must achieve an average mark of 6.0 in both course work and the final examinations to pass the leaving examinations.

In higher education, until 1971, institutions used no standard marking scheme. Individual faculties and departments used their own marking scale with explanations given on the transcripts of marks. In 1971, the scale of 00 to 13 was introduced as a standard marking scheme.

See also:

Vocational education and training (VET) 

In addition to the above-mentioned grading scales, “verbal” grades (including distinctions) are used in connection with some vocational and education training programmes.

See: Grades used in the Danish vocational education and training system